Vortex Mechanics

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a phi vortex water flow, showing DNA-like spiral braiding

Historic Renderings, toward a Phi-curved vortex


Funnel work in progress shot

Isometric design model

Vortex model with measurements

Vortex segment with measurements

Model sketches

Personal sketch of Hunab-ku, Mayan universal creative form. It is the origins of our word "hurricane."

Recent work


Spiral motion the foundation for all dynamic form
- Inspiration Text

Throughout the universe there is form and order to what occurs - from things that are almost too small to see, to galaxies in which our planet is like a single grain of sand. In studying the universe humans have come to realize that everything moves as whirling spirals. This spinning gives rise to spiral galaxies and the movement of electrons, the weather that feeds the plants that are our food, and the water that shapes our land. The shape and geometry of this movement is know as "Phi", a mathematical concept which follows the curvature expressed in nature.

The spiral-motion principles of water have had their most recent scientific study by Viktor Schauberger, a forest tender from Austria, during the first half of the 20th century. Schauberger began to take notice of this effect as he wandered about his family's lands and observed nature, particularly the motion of streams and whirlpools, and the ability of trout to quickly swim counter-current, and even climb up the flow of waterfalls.

He first put many of his ideas to test in dams and log flumes, the latter which were constructed to float timbered tree trunks downstream. Schauberger's log flumes carried larger, heavier logs than conventional flumes would allow, as well as allowing a faster rate of flow. He later explored his natural energy theories in a variety of areas from farming and ecology to the creation of engines, motors, and other methods of utilizing this dynamic as a power source. This work would lead him to discoveries that would later become the underpinnings of Schauberger's method.

He found that certain acoustics could hold particulate (sand, etc.) at discrete points in the funnel while the water flowed around it; he also found that areas of the vortex flow had differing electrical properties. This knowledge transferred to the field, where he would begin to practice agricultural techniques that mimic those which had been done by native cultures for thousands of years.

This phi-curved spiral motion is an implosive force which centripetally pushes inward toward the center of a flow, conserving the energy in the system instead of depleting (as in explosions). The consistency which this spiraling pattern manifests suggests that there is an underlying structure to the system dynamics, and that matter is pulled in around it. This would suggest that either the dynamic is fundamental, and not arising from matter itself - or the existance of a macroscopic effect that is poorly understood, and potentially valuable.

The details of these phi-based vortex dynamics can be seen on a macroscopic level by allowing small wells of flow to form in a controlled manner, namely, in a vessel which is shaped to the flow-form. This form will reduce most of the drag that would normally cause turbulence in the system, allowing the flow dynamics to be studied without 'intrusion.'


© New Alexandria 2000