New Alexandria Colloquy

Path of Light: iridescent art. 2/7 - 2/9

In coordination with the 2008 Iridescence conference hosted within the School of Life Science at Arizona State University, we will be hosting a limited exhibition of iridescent art. The event will draw artists from across the country and internationally for displays that handle the experience of iridescence in form, function and concept. Join us in this celebration of aesthetic, scientific and transcendent dimensions.

Path of Light
an exhibition of iridescent art

Iridescence is a transcendent phenomenon. The experience of its light goes beyond what is seen. The viewer grasps that one area of color may also become other colors, and in doing so the possibility arises of other yet unseen qualities.

The thing bearing iridescence becomes a polymorph – an aggregate of things that are not visible, but chimerically co-existent. Like a gryphon, doppelgänger, or manticore, a mythological assignment is made granting a dominion of mystery.

Rather than only the mix of different colored light, Iridescence ~ as a model ~ thus becomes about the interleaving of the visible and the invisible, the existent and the non-existent.

Presenting the work:

For inquiries contact New Alexandria, [email protected]
For conference information, see

Path of Light invitation flyer